Thursday, November 8, 2007

And then, there was a mailing list...

So, Tripp is telling us this story about how his ride forgot him and he got the opportunity to see more of American Canyon and environs by bus (The Vine #10, I believe). It wasn't really a happy story, but, as with so many tales of woe and strife, something beautiful was born of that experience. As he stood outside his home, shivering in the predawn chill, he attempted to conjure the image of other Napa dwelling ferry commuters. Two came to mind: the one who had just stopped riding to pursue a new venture in St Helena and the one who had just forgotten him. Then, the moment of invention, rather, the moment of decision - what was needed here was a mailing list. If there were a mailing list, to which amicable riders could subscribe, he could send out a quick request, "Hey, I'm hosed and need a ride!" The list could also be used to share vital information such as the name of the person who had forsaken him, or when it's time for a wine and cheese ho-down on the way home.

So, join the group, get on the list, send a mail!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It is fun to mess with people on the boat. There is a certain very nice but un-named person who has a habit of staking claims of seats in multiple locations, leaving a coat or a bag to mark his territory upstairs and down, if it isn't crowded. The social butterfly flitting about the various cliques on board...

So someone *cough* *cough* *Adam* *cough* (with some encouragement) "hid" his stuff (on seats opposite where it wasn't obvious as he approached up the aisle).

He walked up, confused for a moment, spun around and laughed.

Friday, October 19, 2007

And people say commuting isn't funny

Well, it's another Friday. Another week has flown by and the weekend is almost upon us. The upshot of another week of work? Mass silliness, tourettic pop-culture references, and animal impressions abounded on the boat this morning. Luckily, Adam was willing to recreate his antics for the camera - note the squeals of joy from Monica and Sophia (soon to be named the giggle twins).

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Of Dead Computers and Coffee Cake

Who says commutes are always boring?

On my walk from the parking lot to the boat I got stuck in a torrential down pour. The kind where an umbrella only keeps water off your face while the rest of you seriously gets soaked.

While I managed to get soaked to the bone in about a minute, so did my laptop. Water got through the closed bag, The apparent death of my computer sparked rounds of "He's dead, Jen!" and general Star Trek geekery by certain people on board. ;)

The ferry however manages to take the sting out of an otherwise miserable morning - we had a birthday to celebrate. Cake and cards included. For Grumpy the deck hand (Get off the boat!) who was wearing a birthday hat that defies description. Big thanks for the home made coffee cake and orange juice - that really made my day (and Grumpy's).

Only floating to work could alleviate a day like this one.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ferry good, Carpool maybe better?


I rode in carpool today. It was easy and fast. I've picked up people to ride-in with me from time to time. Most of the time I do use the ferry system. I love the ease of the ferry but again car pool is free... I'll come back in November after riding carpool for a month and let everyone know how the month of carpooling went...

Friday, August 17, 2007

Ferry Jerks

Why do people have to be such jerks on the ferry? All we wanted to do was sit with our group to celebrate a birthday. We had a representative from our party saving some seats so we could all sit together....then this JERK comes over throws my friends jacket off the chair and says-"I'm sitting here, there is no saving seats!" Yes, this guy is a regular rider. He is fat old misserable man. You might know him, and have had a similar experience. Or, maybe you are him.
When this man got on the ferry, there were PLENTY of great seats available. Why do people have to be such jerks???? Are you a jerk? If so, make the world a better place and change your attitude!

Welcome to the Jungle Baby

Like a flash of brilliance, it washed over us, it was as though all the heavens had opened up and the hand of God himself had reached down and dope slapped us into a state of deliberate awareness. What we need, it seems, is a way to document the dramatic antics of those around us, our Ferry Brethren. On a daily basis, we are nurtured within the warm bosom of this aquatic mass transit system, delivered safely to our places of employment for days "filled with productivity" then back home for evenings of domestic bliss. We spend nearly ten percent of our waking hours in the ferry fold; an environment so rich in drama, marinated in the human condition, steeped in strife and joy, it would be a crying shame to just let those precious events slip quietly into the dark night of obscurity! With that in mind, and not much else, we created this blog - a primordial sludge of warm-hearted judgment and gossip where we can share tales of douchebaggery, jackassism, bitchiosity, and soul crushing ignorance. So, with that I say, "Cry Havoc! And let slip the dogs of Ferry gossip!!"